The image above depicts a popular saloon known as “Bommy’s Place” that once stood off of Salem Ave just across the Great Miami River in Dayton View.
It was owned by Fred Bomhard who opened it in 1896. The establishment was known as “one of the best-known and most popular eating and drinking places within the city limits.” (It was also known as the Riverside Cafe.)
One article said the place was “famous for its roast beef sandwiches and sociability.” Bomhard said there had not been a single fight in his place during its entire existence. And he was a well-known figure around town too: “An introduction is unnecessary. Everyone knows ‘Bommy.'”

But in 1923, the City of Dayton announced plans that would mean the end of “Bommy’s”: a new park beside the river that would require the demolition of a whole row of buildings.
An article recounted that the “provision for removal of any property on the land was made in the will of the late Adam Schantz. The clause is said to have stated that in case the city desired to use the land as a public park, it could purchase the property at a set figure.”
Later that year, Bomhard received $8,000 from the city for the property.
He threw a huge going-away party on the final Sunday he was open in Spring 1923, advertising sandwiches and soft drinks (due to Prohibition). The old corner building was razed the following year.
But Bommy’s wasn’t the only notable structure that was removed for the park.
Fred’s son Harry, who also worked at the bar, reflected on their time at the location: “There have been some mighty big changes in things since I went into business there, 27 years ago. When I started, the only company I had was the old flats that were torn down last year. Buggies and old horse cars that ran by my doors were the chief means of transportation.”
These “flats” are referring to what another source called Dayton’s first apartment house, containing 12 units and built by a syndicate in 1882.

Both Bommy’s and the apartments are circled in the following map, and Central Ave and Salem provide current reference points for the location.

It appears that Bommy’s didn’t go away completely but rather moved to another building on Salem (“the former location of the Green Lantern Delicatessen”), which likely was run by son Harry as Fred was said to have retired after selling his Salem and River location. But in 1924 the Bomhards sold the business to Robert K Todd and Raymond Stines.
In 1925 a new Bommy’s Place appears on 1928 East Fifth, advertising “the largest and best hot dogs and hamburger sandwiches in town.” And in 1926, Harry moved to a new location outside of town, a building formerly known as Shalter’s Inn near Forest Gables, a 20 minute ride from downtown up North Main to Covington Pike.
But sadly, Fred would not see his son’s new establishment as he had died on February 18, 1925 from carbon monoxide poisoning while working on his automobile in his garage at 830 N Broadway St.
Although retired, he had recently purchased the Rotterman building on W Third St downtown (visible in my article on Courthouse Square, image labeled NE corner of Third and Ludlow) with the intention of opening up a new restaurant to sell his famous sandwiches.
And as for the park that necessitated the removal of this row of buildings, it would be dedicated as Riverview Park and Playground in 1925.
It covered a large area including land on both sides of Salem Ave, and had shelters, a softball diamond, and a wading pool as of the 1940s.

For decades it also boasted Dayton’s Civil War Soldiers Monument that today stands at Main and Monument Streets.
Today the area near the river is known as Sunrise Metropark, which joined the regional system in 2001 to be a wildlife observation area. In the 1990s the portion of Riverview Park that was then west of Edwin C Moses was renamed McIntosh Park for civil rights activist W. Sumter McIntosh. A small portion of park nearby is also called Jane Reese Park today.
And as for Bommy’s, the approximate location is seen in a modern view below:

Historic Images and Captions Courtesy of Dayton Metro Library
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
Dayton Herald, April 4, 1923; Jan 23, 1924
Dayton Daily News June 8, 1919; Feb 19, 1925; July 17, 1925
Those rowhouses looked great. Nice porch detailing.